Beans, mushrooms and more: Vegan sources of protein and vitamins B12 and D | – Aug 15, 2020

(Natural News) Vegans and vegetarians don’t get enough protein – or so people think. In a recent article published online, internal medicine specialist Milton Mills blasted claims from dietitians that ditching meat means missing out on protein, an essential macronutrient.

Plant cells contain protein, Mills argued. In fact, plant-based foods like grains, legumes and nuts are concentrated sources of plant proteins. Therefore, if someone is eating a balanced diet that includes these foods, it is almost impossible to become protein-deficient, he adds.

Read more via Beans, mushrooms and more: Vegan sources of protein and vitamins B12 and D —

New Study Shows What Vegan Diets Do For Heart Health, Endurance Athletes & Sport Performance — Collective Evolution – February 12, 2019


  • The Facts:Another study has emerged showing that plant-based diets not only give endurance athletes an edge when it comes to heart health, performance, and recovery, but it also satisfies their nutritional needs.
  • Reflect On:With so many examples and so much science showing how a vegan diet is nothing but beneficial for our own biology as well as the planet, why do some choose to not acknowledge it or claim that this information is false?

It’s concerning how so much focus is put on transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy technology, and absolutely no attention is paid to animal agriculture. Everybody on the planet could drive electric cars and all industries could use clean energy technology and that still would not even compare to the environmental impact of everyone adopting a plant-based diet. Due to the fact that approximately 80 percent of the Amazon rainforest is destroyed for animal agriculture, reducing our meat and dairy production would provide us with an opportunity to restore Earth’s lungs. CO2 has been much higher in the past, but deforestation was never been this bad. How come CO2 and fossil fuels are constantly being addressed, yet animal agriculture and deforestation are virtually ignored? Read more

via New Study Shows What Vegan Diets Do For Heart Health, Endurance Athletes & Sport Performance — Collective Evolution

5 Effective Controversial Cancer Treatments You May Not Know About — Era of Light – Aug 21, 2018

Almost every one of us has been affected by cancer, either directly or through a close friend or relative. Although in some cases, cancer patients go into remission after being treated with conventional therapies, often the treatment itself causes as many unpleasant symptoms and secondary disease as cancer itself. Unknown to most people, there are…..Read more

via 5 Effective Controversial Cancer Treatments You May Not Know About — Era of Light

15 Delicious Vegan Lunch Ideas That You Can Bring To Work — Collective Evolution – May 4, 2018

Whether you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, enjoy some meatless meals, or simply prefer lighter fare at lunchtime, I’m certain this article has something for you. If you need some new inspiration for meat-free lunch ideas that can be easily packed up and taken to work — or on a picnic! — then you’ve come to the…Read more

via 15 Delicious Vegan Lunch Ideas That You Can Bring To Work — Collective Evolution

How To Deliciously Get Plenty Of Protein Without Meat Or Dairy (Video) — January 30, 2018

Meat, eggs and cheese are NOT the only sources of protein, in fact they are far from it, where do you think an Ox, Gorilla or Cow gets its protein from? Next, where did we get this idea that we need so much protein and even more of it to maintain proper health? Has anyone…Read more & Video

via How To Deliciously Get Plenty Of Protein Without Meat Or Dairy (Video) — Collective Evolution

If You Asked This Gorilla Where He Gets His Protein From, Here’s What He’d Probably Say – (Video) — October 23, 2017

It’s very easy to come across conflicting information, especially in regards to the science of health and even more so when it comes to examining meat-based diets in comparison to plant-based ones. Plant-based diets can help prevent over over 60% of chronic disease deaths, yet people are still arguing whether veganism is a safe and sustainable diet. This is…Read more & video

via If You Asked This Gorilla Where He Gets His Protein From, Here’s What He’d Probably Say — Collective Evolution

If You Don’t Know Why A Plant-Based Diet Is Better For Your Health & The Planet, This Short Video Explains It — October 23, 2017

When it comes to diet, we all know that there is SO MUCH CONFLICTING INFORMATION OUT THERE as to what it really means to be healthy and what you should do to be healthy. Especially in the realm of plant-based eating, there is no shortage of confliction, and many are left very confused as to…Read more & short video

via If You Don’t Know Why A Plant-Based Diet Is Better For Your Health & The Planet, This Short Video Explains It — Collective Evolution