Blood clot RISK: This unique compound in grape seed extract helps to protect your circulation | NaturalHealth365


by: Lori Alton, staff writer | March 4, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) For many, working from home is now the “new normal.”  And, for millions of Americans, this means long hours seated at a desk.  Believe it or not, while excessive sitting hardly seems like a dangerous activity, it actually presents a serious risk to health.  In fact, the threat is so severe that health experts are now characterizing prolonged sitting as “the new smoking.”

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The common disease-causing link between GMOs and WiFi technology, science reveals — NaturalHealth365 – May 2, 2019

by: Jonathan Landsman |

(NaturalHealth365) A shocking six out of ten American adults (more than half of the population) currently suffer from some form of chronic disease – including such potentially life-threatening illnesses as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  Many experts note that the prevalence of chronic disease has increased steadily – over the last 30 years – due to the widespread consumption of GMO foods and use of wireless technology.

Make no mistake about it: we are experiencing a national epidemic of chronic disease – throughout the Western world.  Of course, agrochemical producers and the wireless industry refuse to accept any responsibility.  But, it’s hard to ignore the scientific evidence.

For example, an award-winning researcher recently published a review confirming the damaging effects of WiFi.  And, as you’ll soon see in this article, the dangerous link between WiFi and GMOs is undeniable.

Read more via The common disease-causing link between GMOs and WiFi technology, science reveals — NaturalHealth365

How Turmeric Can Save the Aging Brain From Dementia and Premature Death — Wake Up World – June 19th, 2018

June 19th, 2018 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Presently, there are no pharmaceutical interventions that effectively slow, and certainly not reverse, age-related cerebrovascular pathologies linked to conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. A study on turmeric extract, however, indicates that a natural curative agent already exists and is as close to the….Read more

via How Turmeric Can Save the Aging Brain From Dementia and Premature Death — Wake Up World