The Final Wakeup Call: Your health destroyed | by Peter B. Meyer

Population growth and eradication by drugs, food, and designed diseases
The DS-Global Mafia want people to suffer and die earlier
Alkaline has strong potency for treating cancer
Enzymes are proteins that ‘catalyse’ chemical reactions
Big Pharma and Big Biotech undermine your natural defence

The Final Wakeup Call | by Peter B. Meyer

Your Immune system

Today the DS-cabal control all sides in the medical networks – the WHO, which they created from the start, the public protection agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and the Centres for Disease control like Hospitals and Prevention; the Pharmaceutical cartel, the medical universities and the doctors’ organisations. With the ownership of the media they completely control the health game.

Continue Reading → Your health destroyed — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Uw gezondheid vernietigd

Bevolkingsgroei en uitroeiing door medicijnen, voedsel, en ontworpen ziekten De DS-Globale Maffia wil mensen laten lijden en eerder sterven Alkaline heeft sterke werking bij kankergenezing Enzymen zijn eiwitten die chemische reacties ‘katalyseren’ Big Pharma en Big Biotech ondermijnen uw natuurlijke…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Ihre Gesundheit zerstört

Bevölkerungswachstum und Ausrottung durch Medikamente, Lebensmittel und manipulierte Krankheiten DS-Global Mafia will, dass die Menschen leiden und früher sterben Alkali hat starke Wirkung bei der Krebsheilung Enzyme sind Proteine, die chemische Reaktionen “katalysieren” Big Pharma und Big Biotech untergraben Ihre…Continue Reading

Italiano: La tua salute distrutta

Crescita della popolazione e sradicamento tramite farmaci, cibo e malattie progettate La mafia DS-Globale vuole che la gente soffra e muoia prima Lo stato alcalino ha una forte potenza per il trattamento del cancro Gli enzimi sono proteine che “catalizzano”…Continue Reading

Massacring Cancer with Oxygen and Bicarbonates — Prepare For Change – January 14, 2020

By Dr. Sircus,

(Prepare For Change)  It has long been recognized that solid tumors contain poorly vascularized regions characterized by severe hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), acidosis and nutrient starvation.[1] Over the past decade, work from many laboratories has indicated that hypoxic micro-environments contribute to cancer progression by activating adaptive transcriptional programs that promote cell survival, motility and tumor angiogenesis.[2] →

Read more via Massacring Cancer with Oxygen and Bicarbonates — Prepare For Change

Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda): Every Cancer Patient’s Best Friend — Era of Light -December 18, 2019

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(Era of Light)  As if it were not humiliating enough for orthodox oncologists to learn that the lowly chemical sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is important in the treatment of cancer now they have to swallow the research pointing to the fact that bicarbonate can also be used to diagnose cancer in its earliest stages. Oncologists do understand and know that bicarbonate is necessary to protect their patients from the toxicity and harm done by highly toxic chemicals used in chemotherapy. They also know it is of extraordinary help to patients receiving radiation treatments protecting as it does the kidneys and other tissues of the body from radioactive damages. ➤➤

Read more via Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda): Every Cancer Patient’s Best Friend — Era of Light

Important News about Bicarbonates, Cancer, the Pancreas, Diabetes and Fungal Infections — Prepare For Change – November 25, 2019

By Dr. Sircus,

(Prepare For Change)  As the worlds foremost expert on sodium bicarbonate use as a primer medicine I will break the second law of general semantics and yell from the top of the highest mountain through the strongest radio antenna that ALL cancer patients, all diabetics, AIDS and kidney patients, suffers of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease, autistic children, those who are about to be vaccinated and receive chemo and radiation therapy, or even get a CT or PET scan should be administered sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate or even magnesium bicarbonate. Magnesium bicarbonate is perfect because we are bringing magnesium in as an equal partner into everyone’s life. →

Read more via Important News about Bicarbonates, Cancer, the Pancreas, Diabetes and Fungal Infections — Prepare For Change

Research: Healing the Kidneys with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) — Era of Light – August 18, 2019

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(Era of Light) Sodium bicarbonate is not only an excellent agent for natural chemotherapy, bringing as it does higher O2 levels through increased alkalinity to the cells, it is also one of the most basic medicines we have for kidney disease. ➤➤

Read more via Research: Healing the Kidneys with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) — Era of Light

A New Theory Emerges: Is Cancer A Fungus? (Here is the Evidence) — Humans Are Free – February 16, 2019

Cancer — always believed to be caused by genetic cell mutations — can in reality be caused by infections from viruses, bacteria, and fungi. 

“I believe that, conservatively, 15 to 20% of all cancer is caused by infections; however, the number could be larger — maybe double,” said Dr. Andrew Dannenberg, director of the Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Dannenberg made the remarks in a speech in December 2007 at the annual international conference of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Whether caused by infections or not, once cancerous conditions are well underway the weakening of the immune system and the battle that ensues between the good guys and the bad is cheered on by hordes of infectious agents that increase in density, power and form as a patient’s cancers get worse.

Cancer also involves inflammation, acid pH, low oxygen conditions accompanied by low CO2 levels, lower core body temperatures as well as nutritional deficiencies and high levels of tissue and cellular toxicity with heavy metals, chemicals and radiological exposure…Read more

via A New Theory Emerges: Is Cancer A Fungus? (Here is the Evidence) — Humans Are Free

9 Scientifically-Proven Natural Indigestion Remedies — Wake Up World – November 6th, 2018

November 6th, 2018 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest writer for Wake Up World For most of us, mealtime is a pleasure. Sometimes, though, eating brings the uncomfortable symptoms of an upset stomach, or indigestion. One in four people experiences it occasionally or regularly.[1] While there are a variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs that claim to target…Read more

via 9 Scientifically-Proven Natural Indigestion Remedies — Wake Up World

33 Surprising Baking Soda Uses & Remedies — May 7, 2018

What is baking soda used for? Baking soda uses are plentiful to say the least. Many of us think of baking soda as just an ingredient for baking or something that helps to keep our refrigerators odor-free, but baking soda is incredibly good for your health and your entire home, too! If you haven’t used…Read more

via 33 Surprising Baking Soda Uses & Remedies — Era of Light

Baking Soda – True Enemy Of The Pharmaceutical Industry – October 13, 2017

At one stage it was common knowledge that baking soda could easily cure a common cold, as well as support a number of other ailments. I have heard stories of people who have sworn it to have rid their cancer.

There are 1000s of reasons to use baking soda but one overall reason is that sodium bicarbonate is a natural substance that will not harm us, our children or the environment because is it not a chemical compound that effects nature in any kind of negative way.

Baking soda is a compound that is found throughout nature, in the ocean, in the soil, in our foods and in our bodies. Baking soda is a neutralizer of many other compounds, this makes it exceptionally effective as a medicine in the age of toxicity.

Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate) is already in wide use and has been for decades. It is used routinely to keep the toxicity of chemotherapy agents and radiation from killing people or from destroying their kidneys. In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume bicarbonate ions in drinking water or they have been treated clinically with bicarbonate in medical centers, hospitals or emergency. Baking Soda helps to save countless lives every day.

Life-threatening asthma in children can be resistant to treatment with bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids. A Recent research suggests that administering in intravenous (IV) form can significantly improve pH and PCO2 in children with life-threatening asthma.

At the University of Arizona they are looking at using baking soda as a potential treatment for cancer. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have proven that pre-treatment of mice with sodium bicarbonate results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. (Raghunand 2003) This type of treatment has been found to “enhance the anti-tumor activity” of other anticancer drugs.

Only this year the same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH (makes it more alkaline) and also prevents spontaneous metastases (Robey 2009). They showed that sodium bicarbonate taken orally increased the pH of tumors and also reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer. It also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement.

Unfortunately over the years modern diets have seen a rise in unhealthy acidic pH conditions. An imbalanced pH will disrupt cellular activities and functions to extreme levels as ph drops further.

Excessive acidic pH leads to cellular deterioration which eventually brings on serious health problems such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and heartburn. It is face that the biological life works best in a non-acidic environment proving again just how useful baking soda is.

Baking Soda is being proven time and time again as being one of the most useful substances in the world, its no surprise that pharmaceutical companies don’t want doctors or anyone else to know too much about it.

Everyday people are looking for alternative treatments for cancer, kidney and other diseases – let others know how simple baking soda is an important medicine and one of the safest there is. Just make sure to buy and use organic baking soda that contains no aluminum!


Credit: Era Of Light