Why the Indian olive is one of the best superfoods of all — NaturalNews.com – Aug 30, 2018

(Natural News) The olive tree (Olea ferruginea Royle) is one of the most important fruit trees in the world. It has been known for treating infectious diseases. Researchers at University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in Pakistan provided scientific evidence of the beneficial properties of the olive plant. For the study, the researchers looked at……Read more

via Why the Indian olive is one of the best superfoods of all — NaturalNews.com

Stay Or Go… – Aug 30, 2018


There will be moments where you are definitely not where you want to be or doing what you want to be doing.  The thought process involved in the decision to move or stay may be a challenging one.  Please keep in mind that even though you are looking forward with a positive attitude, the negatives of the current situation may keep you exactly where you are now.  Regardless of your vibrational level, The Universe always responds in kind.  Remember, the conscious voice as well as the subconscious thought process.  When both are positive, a definitive move forward will always occur. ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Thursday August 30, 2018


Dear Ones, we wish to remind you that you are still integrating. So many of you think that because the events that resulted in such intense energetic rebooting are over, so should be their effects. We cannot express enough what a profound shift you have gone through.

It will take a while for you to fully assimilate the energetic changes and comprehend how transformative they have been. Continue to listen to your body and give it what it is asking for. Rest and grounding are particularly important. Resisting or ignoring those needs will only prolong the process.

If you allow yourself to give yourself what you intuitively know you need, even if it is different from what others report requiring, you will move through the process with the greatest amount of grace and ease possible. This is about the body at this stage, and nurturing it through these changes is top priority.

You will know you are making progress and coming out the other side of this corridor of transformation when you start to notice spontaneous pockets of greater comfort starting to occur, much like rays of light poking through the clouds after a storm. Again we tell you you have done a magnificent job navigating it all. You would be absolutely in awe of all you have accomplished if you could see it from our perspective. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Bombshell Intel Leaks From Anons – Pope Francis Arrest Warrant Issued, Elite Politicians and Hollywood Pedophiles Named, & Much More – August 29, 2018 — Ascension with Mother Earth and Current State of Affairs

August 29, 2018Following Intel report provided by Daniel John Lee and his ‘Deep Source Anon’Open Interpol warrants for individuals found guilty of child trafficking, rape and murder. Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking children. Five judges of…Read more & video

via Bombshell Intel Leaks From Anons – Pope Francis Arrest Warrant Issued, Elite Politicians and Hollywood Pedophiles Named, & Much More – August 29, 2018 — Ascension with Mother Earth and Current State of Affairs

The Archbishop Currently Exposing Vatican Pedophilia Fears For His Life & Flees The Country — Collective Evolution – Aug 30, 2018

A high-ranking Vatican Official, Carlo Maria Vigano, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States and Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City, recently released a huge statement implicating Pope Francis in the cover-up of sexual abuse within the Vatican. We’ve covered numerous stories of pedophilia, torture and ‘Satanic’ rituals within the Vatican; this latest disclosure of…Read more

via The Archbishop Currently Exposing Vatican Pedophilia Fears For His Life & Flees The Country — Collective Evolution

QAnon Reveals Deep State Nazi Connection & Attempt to Foment US Russia War — New Exopolitics.org Article – Aug 30, 2018

The military intelligence group QAnon has revealed a deep historic connection between the Deep State and Nazism, and how this Deep State/Nazi force is actively attempting to foment a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia. QAnon is a group of military intelligence officials, which has been leaking classified information exposing Deep State machinations against…..Read more & videos

via QAnon Reveals Deep State Nazi Connection & Attempt to Foment US Russia War — New Exopolitics.org Article

5 Types of People: The Truth Seekers, Brainwashed, Misguided, Power Hungry, and The Ones Who Sold Their Souls — Humans Are Free – Aug 30, 2018

1. The Ones Who Seek The Truth There are people who are awake, they know what’s going on in the world, and they have woken up and seen the truth. They have done the research and used their knowledge to help others. They are trying to wake other’s up, some have dedicated their whole lives to….Read more

via 5 Types of People: The Truth Seekers, Brainwashed, Misguided, Power Hungry, and The Ones Who Sold Their Souls — Humans Are Free

URGENT: Sign the White House petition demanding protections for online speech – NaturalNews.com – Aug 29, 2018

Image: URGENT: Sign the White House petition demanding protections for online speech

(Natural News) A White House petition has been launched, demanding free speech protections across the ‘net. With Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants now engaged in blatant, malicious and selective censorship against pro-America voices (conservatives and libertarians), a new “digital Bill of Rights” needs to be signed into law to protect us all from the evil tech giants like Google and Facebook.

Read more & sign petition: Natural News 

Detoxifying Cauliflower, Kale, and Pine Nut Confetti Recipe — The Truth About Cancer – Aug 30, 2018

detoxifying cauliflower featured image

Humble cauliflower is often overlooked as a leading member of the cruciferous family, but it’s actually one of the healthiest foods on the planet. It boasts a rich supply of health-promoting phytochemicals, anti-inflammatory compounds, and other cancer-busting nutrients. Importantly, cauliflower supports digestion and detoxification. This is due to its sulfur-containing compounds, known as glucosinolates. These compounds break down in your…Read more & recipe

via Detoxifying Cauliflower, Kale, and Pine Nut Confetti… — The Truth About Cancer