5 Medicinal Mushrooms That Fight Cancer — The Truth About Cancer – March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019

[Editor’s Note] This post was originally published in March 2016. It has been updated and republished in March 2019.

Having secured a rich history in many ancient Asian healing practices, medicinal mushrooms have been prescribed and used for countless ailments for thousands of years. As modern medicine rediscovers these ancient superfoods, there is good evidence that mushrooms are among the most powerful functional food in a growing cancer-fighting and cancer-prevention arsenal.

Read more: 5 Medicinal Mushrooms That Fight Cancer — The Truth About Cancer

Gurkmeja: Roten till allt gott — TV Helse i Sverige – 8 November, 2018

Rotar du runt i kryddhyllan i köket, hittar du garanterat något som hjälper mot småkrämpor i vardagen. Men hittar du gurkmeja i sortimentet, då har du universalhjälpmedlet som slår knockout på det mesta, som cancer, fetma, värk. Text: TV Helse Norge, “Gurkemeie: Roten til alt godt!” | Översättning: Madeleine Lidman Gurkmeja har varit omtalat för……Läs mera

via Gurkmeja: Roten till allt gott — TV Helse i Sverige

Probiotics are also good for your liver — NaturalNews.com – May 24, 2018

(Natural News) Probiotics are good for the liver, according to a study presented at the 2018 Experimental Biology meeting. A team of researchers looked at the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG), which is a species common in many over-the-counter probiotic formulations. In the study, the research team fed mice with food containing LGG for two…Read more

via Probiotics are also good for your liver — NaturalNews.com

Kimchi is one of the most powerful probiotic foods you can eat — NaturalNews.com – May 13, 2018

(Natural News) Kimchi, the spicy, salted and fermented vegetables staple in Korean cuisine, is so much more than a side dish. In a comprehensive review of 130 studies, researchers in Korea looked at its health benefits as a probiotic. Probiotics in general are the good bacteria populating the gut. The human gut has more than…Read more

via Kimchi is one of the most powerful probiotic foods you can eat — NaturalNews.com