How pH levels are connected to cancer risk — Natural Health 365 – January 26, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) Understanding the pH levels in your body is very simple: the lower the reading, the more acidic; the higher the reading, the more alkaline.

And, although pH levels will fluctuate in your body according to meals, exercise, stress, hormones, sleep and and a variety of other factors, a healthy and balanced saliva pH should ‘ideally’ be slightly alkaline at between 7.3 and 7.45.

Why is this information so important to know? Simply put, (slightly) higher than neutral (7.0) pH levels promote health, while low pH levels creates an environment conducive to diseases like, breast cancer……Read more

via How pH levels are connected to cancer risk — Natural Health 365

Negative emotions found to increase inflammation, study reveals — Natural Health 365 – January 15, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) We’ve all heard about the link between chronic stress and poor physical health. But, now, research out of Pennsylvania State University in State College has found a direct correlation between negative emotions and increased inflammation in the body. Simply put, these negative emotions – over time – place a tremendous burden on our immune…..Read more

via Negative emotions found to increase inflammation, study reveals — Natural Health 365

(Video) Destroying the Illusion — Best Ways to Detox! – December 25, 2018

Published on Dec 24, 2018

Operation Disclosure

Scientists call for better protection from wireless radiation exposure — – November 2, 2018

EMFCALL.ORG: Scientists and NGO:s call for better protection from Exposure to radiation from Wireless Technology. 157 scientists and medical doctors together with 86 non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) from all over the world are calling for more protective limits for exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless technologies. In a joint statement, THE EMF CALL, they conclude that the…..Read more/Läs mera

via Scientists call for better protection from wireless radiation exposure — NewsVoice

Want to Detox Your Body Naturally? Support Your Organs of Detoxification – The Truth About Cancer – November 1, 2018

By Ty Bollinger

Detox Your Body

We can all use a little “reboot” every once in awhile – and so can our organs. While there are many ways to detox your body naturally, these tips will help you get started if you’re not sure where to begin. They are easy, fast, and powerful ways to give a little love to your organs of detoxification. These are the important organs and systems that are responsible for moving toxins out of your body on a daily basis. Give one or more of these tips a try and notice the difference in your energy, mental clarity, stamina, and overall health!

But first, if you are planning any type of cleanse or detox, there are some steps you can take to make any efforts to detox your body safer and more effective…

Before You Start: 5 Steps for a Successful Detox or Cleanse

Read more at:  The Truth About Cancer

Remove 70% of Toxins In Your Body With This One Simple Exercise — Era of Light – October 26, 2018

Getting rid of toxins in the body sounds like a monumental task, but it’s surprisingly easy to get rid of a giant proportion of them. In fact, with one simple exercise that requires no equipment other than your body, you can get rid of as much as 70 percent of the toxins that are currently…..Read more

via Remove 70% of Toxins In Your Body With This One Simple Exercise — Era of Light

5 Reasons Why Modern “Medicine” Is The Greatest Failure Of Our Time — Collective Evolution – July 3, 2018

For a very long time, we have bought into this idea that if we are sick the only way that we can get better is under the advice of a Medical Doctor. They are trained extensively on the human body, disease, and illness; they certainly should know a whole lot about how to help sick….Read more

via 5 Reasons Why Modern “Medicine” Is The Greatest Failure Of Our Time — Collective Evolution

The Ultimate Guide to Detox Drinks for Body Cleansing — Wake Up World – June 8th, 2018

June 8th, 2018 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest writer for Wake Up World Whether you are trying to support a major body cleanse or you just want to boost your energy, detox drinks can enrich a healthy lifestyle and support your mind and body! Are you looking for answers, like how often to drink these cleansing….Read more

via The Ultimate Guide to Detox Drinks for Body Cleansing — Wake Up World

How To Balance Your pH Levels And Find Out If You Are Too Acidic — April 20, 2018

Alkalizing has become a very popular subject recently, and for good reason too! The emphasis on the importance of the bodies pH might seem like a new fashion, but the science and art of pH balancing have had a long tradition and unlike some other trendy theories, it has successfully withstood the test of time.…Read more

via How To Balance Your pH Levels And Find Out If You Are Too Acidic — Era of Light