Discover 5 incredible health benefits of papaya | NaturalHealth365

by: Stephanie Woods | August 2, 2021


(NaturalHealth365) Papaya is a wonderful tropical fruit that is so deliciously versatile.  Chop it up with some mango and sweet onion to serve over grilled (pasture raised) chicken, or drop some in the blender with coconut water, pineapple, and mango for a healthy smoothie. Of course, you can always enjoy it on its own, ice cold and juicy.

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Tanzania COVID-19 lab head suspended as president questions data — Prepare For Change – June 20, 2020

(Prepare For Change)

Authorities launch probe but opposition, which accuses gov’t of hiding coronavirus information, defends lab director.

Tanzania has suspended the head of its national health laboratory in charge of coronavirus testing, a day after President John Magufuli questioned the accuracy of the tests.

Magufuli, who has consistently downplayed the effect of the virus, said on Sunday he had secretly had animals, fruits and vehicle oil tested at the laboratory. A papaya, a quail and a goat had been found to be positive, according to the president.

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via Tanzania COVID-19 lab head suspended as president questions data — Prepare For Change

2019-2020 flu claims 10,000 lives in the U.S., yet Western medicine continues to ignore this one vitamin solution — NaturalHealth365 – February 18, 2020


(NaturalHealth365) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “estimate” that 14,000 – 36,000 deaths have occurred (due to the flu) since October 2019.  Although the CDC does admit: they don’t know exactly how many die because the flu is “not a reportable disease in most areas of the U.S.” →

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20 Best foods for your daily vitamin C — – October 12, 2019

(Natural News) Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, has a crucial role in many of the body’s daily functions. But the body does not make vitamin C on its own. You will have to consume it from food, such as fruits and vegetables. Learn more about the health benefits of vitamin C and the 20 best foods to get it from below. (h/t to →

Read more via 20 Best foods for your daily vitamin C —

Improving digestion: 11 gut-friendly foods — – June 18, 2019

(Natural News) Your digestive tract is crucial to your overall well-being because it is responsible for absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste from the body. If you suffer from digestive issues like abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, eating gut-friendly foods like apples and chia seeds can help relieve your painful symptoms.

Read more via Improving digestion: 11 gut-friendly foods —

Powerful foods that eliminate intestinal parasites — – December 9, 2018

(Natural News) Your body can be a host to parasites, most of which exist even without your knowledge. Among the body parts you can find them most commonly in are your intestines. Although most of them are small, these intestinal parasites can wreak havoc on your health. Fortunately, there are foods you can eat that…..Read more

via Powerful foods that eliminate intestinal parasites —

9 Scientifically-Proven Natural Indigestion Remedies — Wake Up World – November 6th, 2018

November 6th, 2018 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest writer for Wake Up World For most of us, mealtime is a pleasure. Sometimes, though, eating brings the uncomfortable symptoms of an upset stomach, or indigestion. One in four people experiences it occasionally or regularly.[1] While there are a variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs that claim to target…Read more

via 9 Scientifically-Proven Natural Indigestion Remedies — Wake Up World

Antioxidant-rich papaya helps reduce brain damage caused by heavy metal exposure — – September 24, 2018

(Natural News) Scientists warn that cadmium poisoning is an underreported and little-known global health problem, causing a massive number of deaths annually and contributing to a lot of illnesses, not the least of which is cancer. The long-term exposure to the heavy metal has been documented to dramatically increase one’s risk of various skeletal, reproductive,…..Read more

via Antioxidant-rich papaya helps reduce brain damage caused by heavy metal exposure —