Are mushrooms the ultimate superfood? The answer may surprise you … especially when it comes to getting enough vitamin D | NaturalHealth365


by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | January 13, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) While certain types of mushrooms can be toxic or even deadly, the mushrooms you’ll find in the grocery store are safe and healthy to eat.  In fact, the health benefits of mushrooms appear to impact everything from cognition to gut health.

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Boost your gut health with a single avocado a day | NaturalHealth365


by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | January 4, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) The avocado, aka the “alligator pear,” might be one of the most popular additions to a brunch spread, Mexican dish, or smoothie thanks to its rich flavor and creamy texture.  Yet, in spite of its widespread popularity, many people still doubt if avocados are really good for us.

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Discover the “Mighty Mineral” under-recognized for its lifesaving health benefits | NaturalHealth365


By: Lori Alton – November 13, 2020

(NaturalHealth365) Most people are aware that certain minerals in the body – such as calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium – play a vital role in sustaining life and health. Less “top of mind,” though, are essential trace minerals such as manganese, selenium, copper and zinc.  And, although these microminerals are needed in much smaller amounts than the “Big Four,” they also serve indispensable functions in the body.

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4 surprising reasons to eat chickpeas | NaturalHealth365


By: Lori Alton – November 11, 2020

(NaturalHealth365) Chickpeas, a familiar staple at salad bars, are customarily used to accent and complement a bowl of mixed greens. But these plump, beige little legumes shouldn’t be thought of as merely a garnish to be tossed into salads.

Also known as garbanzo beans, chickpeas are gaining credibility as a true “superfood” – with research revealing that they are packed with disease-fighting micronutrients.

In fact, the diversity and power of the health benefits of chickpeas may surprise you. Here are four reasons to give chickpeas a regular place on your plate.

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Four tree nuts to help eliminate metabolic syndrome | NaturalHealth365 – July 27, 2020


(NaturalHealth365) The ever-increasing prevalence of obesity nationwide has given rise to a disturbing new statistic. According to the American Heart Association, “metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that affects about 23 percent of adults.”  This health crisis represents a constellation of unhealthy conditions that significantly raises the risk of developing life-threatening illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.   Today, we’ll take a closer look at how eating tree nuts can reduce your risk of harm. →

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The vitamin deficiency that could kill you within 13 years | NaturalHealth365 – July 6, 2020


(NaturalHealth365) It’s a well-known fact that Americans aren’t eating enough fruit and vegetables.  In fact, vitamin deficiency is a growing epidemic – especially as it relates to vitamin D and K, with 92% of the population suffering from some sort of deficiency.  Today, we’ll focus on vitamin K. →

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Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants – January 11, 2020

Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants

Source(The Vaccine Reaction)

by Celeste McGovern – Published February 6, 2017

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested—except in one animal vaccine. →

Read more via The Vaccine Reaction

Reduce stress, anxiety and inflammation with the benefits of basil — NaturalHealth365 – July 27, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) Most people think of basil as that robust, delicious flavor found in Italian and Thai cooking, but did you know basil can reduce inflammation, stress and anxiety levels, too? Those are just the start of the health benefits of basil.

Read more via Reduce stress, anxiety and inflammation with the benefits of basil — NaturalHealth365

6 surprising health facts about watermelon you don’t know — NaturalHealth365 – July 25, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) There’s something about a cool slice of watermelon that’s a fixture of summertime. Watermelon harvest peaks in July, and it’s one of the most common offerings at backyard barbecues and parties through the warmer months.  Low in calories and packed with nutrients, it’s a snack or dessert that’s really good for you – as you’ll soon see.

Read more via 6 surprising health facts about watermelon you don’t know — NaturalHealth365

7 Supplements that are Scientifically Proven to Help You Deal with Stress — February 13, 2018


dealing with stress

Anna Hunt, Staff WriterWaking Times For almost everyone, stress in inevitable. It engulfs us during stressful life situations, like being in a rough relationship. It creeps up in small bursts during our daily lives, like when we’re stuck in traffic or late for an appointment. Staying calm during life’s stressful situations isn’t easy, hence most…Read more

via 7 Supplements that are Scientifically Proven to Help You Deal with Stress — Waking Times